About Us

How Fig Tree Studios Came to Be

Like everyone, 2020 changed our lives forever. Because of the pandemic and simultaneously my mom being diagnosed with cancer (and us wanting to keep her safe and spend as much time as possible with her), I decided to close the preschool I had started in my home 11 years earlier. My mom lived next door so my 3 boys and I enjoyed every second of every day we had to spend with her. I LOVED spending time with my mom and my boys, but I also needed a creative outlet!! So to keep me sane, I started designing and sewing 3D face masks and making instructional videos for sewers in my community to make the same masks.

Jenny Mickelson owner

After the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received, I decided to start selling my masks. I would have people come back again and again because they loved them so much. They were their most comfortable, most beautiful, well-made, highest quality masks in their stash, and even 4 years later, those who still wear masks, are still wearing their Jenny's Masks (and asking for more!). Sewing masks not only kept me sane but provided me a creative outlet, and a way that I could help others from the comfort of my home (and contribute to our family's income!). 

This creativity, love for sewing, and helping others brought me to the world of Reusable Cloth Pads. I had NO IDEA what I was missing. I wish someone had told me about them sooner! A friend of mine sent me a Tik Tok of someone sewing a reusable pad and asked if I thought I could make some. The more I studied, learned, and experimented, the more excited I got to share these pads with the world. And just like that, Fig Tree Studios was born! I know there are MANY, MANY reusable cloth pads to choose from out there. But I hope you will give Fig Tree Pads a try and see why so many (including me!) are making the switch!

My goal is to help people feel COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT and to bring a little JOY into their lives. Fig Tree Pads were designed with YOU in mind! But even if my pads aren’t the ones you ultimately go with, if I can educate and show people how cloth pads work and, in turn, they make the switch to a healthier, more sustainable way of managing their periods, post-partum bleeding, bladder leaks, discharge and sweat, I’ll be one happy mama! 😊

With love,

Jenny DeFiglia Mickelson 

Email: jenny@figtreestudio.co

Me with my family 

Mickelson Family

Me with my mom, in our favorite place- Hawaii, during our last family vacation before she passed away.

Jenny and her mom